For specific attendance concerns, please refer to the attendance policy. Many attendance items can be found in your student's handbook as well as via the District website.
To better serve our students and our community, the Port Allegany High School would request that should your student be absent for multiple days, you CALL THE SCHOOL, call the attendance office, or send either offices an email upon your child's third consecutive day of absence. This information will better serve our students and their health services by keeping track of particular illness trends. Please do not send SICK students to school.
Every time your student is absent, you will receive a call. If your child is not absent when you receive this automated call, please immediately contact the attendance secretary, Mrs. Mary Lashway. If your child is absent you MUST send in a note either from your student's guardian/parent OR from a provider's office should they miss from an appointment. Excessive absenteeism typically results in your child being placed on the doctor's excuse only list. Students who are placed on this list, must provide a provider's note for every day they are not in school. For questions, contact Mr. Marc Budd, principal.
For your conveinance, you may email excuses to Mrs. Mary Lashway at